Friday, September 25, 2009

Scratching My Head

I've never been a particularly politics driven person. American politics never made me sit up in anger and scream at my laptop screen. That is, until recently.

I mostly ignored and mocked the initial Tea Party protests on Tax Day. It was transparent to me that Fox News had sponsored, arranged and heavily advertised these protests. That is MAKING the news, not covering it, not reporting it; they were CREATING something to report. There was nothing 'grassroots' about those protests.

grass-roots [gras- roots] - n. - the common people, especially the rural people.

What exactly defines these protests as 'grassroots' movements? Nothing. That's just what they, being the Right Wing media outlets, say to make it seem all, 'Aww, shucks, normal.' Common, rural people didn't set these protests up. Common, rural people didn't hire the television pundits to speak at these events. Common, rural people didn't pay Ted Nugent to spew ignorance at these events. FOX NEWS EXECUTIVES did all of that. Common, rural people might have DONATED to these protests. I know for a fact that these 'common, normal' people paid to get on crowded busses to attend the disgrace that was the 9/12 protest on Washington.

It's so funny to me that during the election campaigns Liberals were called 'sheep' who would follow and vote for ANY Democrat. Who's a 'sheep' now? The people who watch, listen and agree with Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, etc. are the real sheep. These people listened to Sarah Palin and many others who propagated the 'death panel' B.S. and even displayed signs about this ABSOLUTELY FALSE idea at the 9/12 protests. Umm, I'm pretty sure that rumor was debunked very quickly after it was set loose to instill fear into the uneducated masses. Whoops, it worked. Try READING the bill and think for YOURSELF. They even took the 'End of Life' counseling OUT of the bill because of the crazy shit-storm that Republicans started. I agree with 'End of Life' counseling. People who have advanced directives at the time of their incapacitation are less of a financial burden on their families and are cared for by THEIR standards.

I read on a blog, , today that President Obama's speeches are almost all at a 9th-10th grade reading level. You know why? Because some Americans are STUPID and the only way that they can understand what he's saying is by using small words and short sentences. That's sad. No wonder some Republican politicians have it easy when they misinterpret things to scare their moronic constituents, they can't read well or understand big words.

The thing that frustrates me the most is this outcry of denouncing racism. I've been shaking my head for MONTHS at the blatant racism pouring from the mouths of these highly-paid, talking, bobble-head, so-called 'reporters'. Glenn Beck doesn't know why people are calling him a racist? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he said he thinks that Obama, '...has a deep seeded hatred for white people...' Hmm. Maybe? Or, it could have something to do with the 'warning' he issued to 'Jews' that another Holocaust was coming; because, in his words, "...when things go bad, Jews become scapegoats. Jews, it's coming again." That made me so angry I had to take my dog for a walk and chain smoke for a few minutes. Who the hell does he think he is saying something like that? That is just disgusting to me.

Rush Limbaugh called for segregated busses on his radio show because a white kid got hit by a black kid. That's not racist at ALL! No way, no how! I don't know where Rush grew up, but that shit has been going on for YEARS! It's not black kids vs. white kids it's stupid kids beating up other stupid kids because their parents are too busy watching the news, listening to Rush and foaming at the mouth about 'socialism' to raise them properly.

How about that club in New Hampshire that kicked all the black kids out of the pool because it's basically a 'white's only' club/pool? What about the man who just beat the hell out of a black woman in front of her seven year old daughter outside of a Cracker Barrel while screaming racial slurs at her? Yeah, I'm sure all this passive aggressive racism on television has NOTHING to do with these empowered racists. Ask yourself: Who is making them feel empowered? I'd bet anyone $100 that the man who beat that lady outside of Cracker Barrel is a Rush Limbaugh listener. Garun-fucking-tee it.

The Republicans can bash Jimmy Carter for calling it like he saw it, but he was correct. A portion of the people who are opposing President Obama are only doing so because they are racist. That doesn't mean EVERYONE who is against Obama is a racist, it just means that SOME of them are. Unfortunately, their voices are the loudest and the angriest and THOSE are the voices that are pissing off the civilized, educated citizens of this country.

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